GRI 403-2 Hazard identification, risk assessment, and incident investigation
Workplace accident rate: (Number of recordable accidents at work / Total workforce) X 100. Frequency rate : (Number of recordable work accidents / Number of hours worked) X 1,000,000. Severity rate : (Total lost work hours X 1,000) / Number of hours worked. The absenteeism rate is equal to the total number of lost days, for absences other than paid leave or maternity/paternity leave, divided by the number of business days in the year of universal registration 2020.
Work related injury & absenteeism
- 4.2 Social: Fundamental Human Rights, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, and Social Justice (2023 Registration Document) Nouvelle Window
- 4.2.6 Employee health and well‑being (2023 Registration Document) Nouvelle Window
- Well Being at work (2023 CSR Report) Nouvelle Window
- Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (2023 CSR Report) Nouvelle Window