GRI 305-2 Energy indirect (Scope 2) GHG emissions

  • The GHG emissions balance sheet has been carried out according to the GHG Protocol since 2009. Scope 2 - Purchased electricity - represents 56,646 TeqCO2. The degree of uncertainty associated with the preparation of Publicis Groupe's GHG emissions balance sheet is estimated at 16% by Bureau Veritas, which undertakes consolidation of the data.

  • Greenhouse Gas Emissions scope 1, 2 and 3 (GHG Protocol)

    Years Scope 1 (Teq CO2) Scope 2 (Teq CO2) Scope 3 (Teq CO2) Scope 1+2+3 (Teq CO2)
    2023 6,164 33,462 195,049 222,399
    2022 7,266 32,792 175,873 215,931
    2021 4,299 31,760 121,024 157,083
    2020 7,531 40,146 140,622 188,299
    2019 9,895 56,018 250,236 316,149
    2018 5,586 60,744 217,418 283,748
    2017 13,118 65,702 266,344 345,165
    2016 12,374 78,890 284,851 376,115
    2015 9,453 86,315 285,499 381,266
    2014 9,385 69,674 250,440 329,499
    2013 9,141 68,576 240,447 318,163
    2012 8,522 70,672 208,093 287,287
    2011 7,722 66,801 195,965 270,488
    2010 10,336 60,368 163,319 234,023
    2009 27,749 74,287 143,734 245,770