GRI 302-4 Reduction of energy consumption

  • Various levers are being mobilized to reduce energy consumption: making teams aware of daily eco-gestures to enable everyone to better control their consumption within the branch and beyond; the generalization of sensory sensors in all our buildings and the grouping of teams in new high energy performance buildings whenever possible, and the choice of IT equipment that is more efficient in terms of energy consumption.

  • Energy intensity and trajectory

    Years Energy intensity per capita (MWh) Trajectory - objective 2030 (MWh)
    2023 1.1 -
    2022 1.14 -
    2021 1.25 -
    2020 1.6 -
    2019 1.8 2.19
    2018 2 2.65
    2017 2.1 2.69
    2016 2.2 2.73
    2015 2.7 2.77
    2014 2.7 2.81
    2013 2.8 2.85
    2012 3.2 2.88
    2011 3.2 2.92
    2010 3.1 2.96
    2009 3 3

    Electricity consumption & energy mix

    Years Electricity Consumption (MWh) % of renewable energy (%)
    2023 109,650 60
    2022 111,864 47
    2021 103,137 38.8
    2020 125,655 33.5
    2019 158,522 31.3
    2018 146,742 33.5
    2017 158,132 33.5
    2016 171,288 27
    2015 196,641 25
    2014 167,982 26
    2013 173,201 26
    2012 185,070 20
    2011 170,519 21
    2010 152,449 24
    2009 136,397 -

    Reduction in energy consumption

    Years Electricity consumption (MWh) Energy intensity per capita (MWh) Change in total consumption since 2009 (%) Energy intensity change since 2009 (%)
    2021 108,136 1.25 - -
    2020 125,655 1.6 8 46
    2019 146,340 1.8 7 40
    2018 146,742 1.9 8 37
    2017 158,132 2.1 16 30
    2016 171,288 2.2 26 27
    2015 196,641 2.7 44 10
    2014 167,982 2.7 23 10
    2013 173,201 2.8 27 7
    2012 185,070 3.2 36 7
    2011 170,519 3.2 25 7
    2010 152,449 3.1 12 3
    2009 136,397 3 - -